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Monday, January 23, 2012

0 Cramming for an Examination

Hi, fellas, how’s your day? Great, huh? Now I would like to share my work when I got middle term of Writing subject in the 5th semester. This is an essay which at that time we were given the title and at that time we should make and finish our essay. So, challenging, huh? However it’s fun. You can explore anything in your mind and spilled it out to essay. Although looks like an amateur’s work, but it is my essay :p hope it can gives you inspiration :D

 Cramming for an Examination

Cramming is a bad activity usually done by many students before facing an examination. Cramming has become a bad habit for students. Actually, there are many factors that can make students do cramming, such as laziness or limited time. However, the students don’t realize that cramming gives them many disadvantages. Cramming gives many bad effects for students, such as getting bad concentration, getting bad mark, and wasting time.

Firstly, because of cramming, you can’t concentrate to your study. It is happened because you just have limited time. You mind will think that you have limited time while you have to read many materials. In this condition, you will not be able to remember your material well because you have to manage your limited time and memorize many materials. You can’t concentrate also can be happened because you are sleepy. Your activities since the morning until the afternoon will force you o go to bed. This condition also gives impact for your physical condition which can be dropped. Absolutely, if you get unwell body, you will not be able to concentrate to your study.

Secondly, cramming makes you can not get good mark. Cramming is just done in one night with very limited time. It makes you less of study. You will just get limited material from what you should learn, so in the examination you will not be able to answer the questions correctly. Because of very limited material you have, you will find another way to answer the question; it could be through cheating. You will not know what will happen later. If you are caught by your teacher, you will absolutely get zero mark. Moreover, you have to remember that, you friends are not always right. They might be like you, so, cramming will just give you a bad mark in your examination.

Thirdly, cramming just waste your time. Once again, cramming is just done in one night with a very limited time. All of materials that have been read by you can not be well saved in your memory. Although they can be saved, they are just saved in your short term memory. Cramming forces you to study hard again. As I mentioned before in the previous paragraph that cramming makes you get bad mark, so that cramming absolutely will be bale to send you to get remedial. It means that you will learn the same materials in another day. So, it can be said that cramming is really useless and makes you waste your time.

From those explanations, we can conclude that cramming just gives many disadvantages for your examination. Therefore, cramming should be avoided in order to get better result in your examination. 

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