_thank you so much for my brother, TINO for helping me remake this blog. You can also visit his blog at tino-downloadarea.blogspot.com for downloading movies, manga, anime,and many more ;)_

Friday, October 28, 2011

0 Zuper Zhoes!!

I have a big desire to buy new shoes next month. So that I should collect money since NOW!!! I have already had some choices actually in an online shop but those really made me confused. I moved around from one online shop to another until finally I found some pairs of ‘super shoes’ which made me could not close my mouth seeing that. Hahha. Actually, those shoes were like usual shoes, and I had ever seen that before but I didn’t know why I still aaaaaaaaaa! Hahhahahha :D

Let me show you some shoes that I found on an online store named AdorableProject Indonesia. Those are really really adorable!!

the platform of this shoes is about 15 cm \m/
it's wight is about 3kg, trust me you will work hard to walk :p
where's the heel?

this one has wings, you don't need to walk, you'll fly :P!!!

And hey! I really want to own this shoes.. >,<

such a cool oxford shoes!!
Wanna buy one of those shoes?? :D


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