_thank you so much for my brother, TINO for helping me remake this blog. You can also visit his blog at tino-downloadarea.blogspot.com for downloading movies, manga, anime,and many more ;)_

Saturday, August 13, 2011

2 Happy (belated) 20th birthday, Dee :D

31st July 2011 was my 20th birthday. I’ve been 20, gaaalls !!! God.. thank you for everything that You’ve given to me – life, age, health, happiness, achievement, fortune, livelihood, blessing, and many more.. Because for God’s sake “fabiayyi aalaa-i rabbikumaa tukadzdzibaan” – Qur’an, Ar-Rahman; 13. Even every second our breath is Allah’s gift. So, be grateful :). And alhamdulillah, my birthday this year coincided with Ramadhan. So, I really hope that Allah will always bless me as much as Ramadhan. Aamiin.

In welcoming Ramadhan and celebrating my birthday, I asked my friends to eat out together in Pizza Hut Petronas – Ciputat.  We ordered some menus and took some pictures there. 

Thanks to my dearest friends Martha, Viki, and Yanti.. I got this from them :D

and my beloved friend, Abang Wulan who had picked me up from my dorm to PH by her motorcycle hha thank you thank you :D.

I also wanna thank to my family (btw, my father was the first person who congratulated me at that time :**), my relatives, and all of my friends for their wishes and their prayers. I hope Allah will grant them and I’ll be better in every great aspects in my life. Aamiin aamiin aamiin ..

and here is what I wore at that time.

Zysku Xena cotton shawl, Look Plus long cardigan, flowerish ring by Strawberry

By the way, can you find out 5 or more differences in this picture? Just follow my blog, post your comment and I’ll give you ‘something’ if you’re right! Hha. Seriously :D

several days later, I also got surprises from my friends in dormitory.. especially thanks to my roommate Ziah, Septy, and Ete :D 

Lastly, thank you, everyone! Big hugs and kisses for you :*****


  1. .GIGI lo...
    . pantulan cahaya putih di belakang lengan kanan
    .warna ijo lantai nya
    .garis jendela di sebelah kiri lo
    .kemiringan kepala lo

    asiiik... gue dapet hadiah

  2. wedeee mkasih jg yooo dii dol..
    taon depan lgi ya ;)



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