_thank you so much for my brother, TINO for helping me remake this blog. You can also visit his blog at tino-downloadarea.blogspot.com for downloading movies, manga, anime,and many more ;)_

Friday, June 10, 2011

2 Stripes

I just bought a stripey cloth from my friend’s bazaar and I wore it to go to campus. I combined with my  thrifted black skirt and my Geranium bag. And you know, my friends gave many ‘good’ comments for me, such as:

"Mm.. I remember! you're like a caterpillar!" - Erni
“Just put a couple of wings, and you can be such a mosquito – Aedes aegypti ,” – Viki.
“You are like a judge of Smack Down!!” – Aprian.
“You are like a prisoner!!” – Anggi.
“You are like a sate seller from Madura.” – Nda.

Hahahha.. you can be laughing now..
Thank you so much, friends. You really care... That really inspired me. pfuuh :3

'G' chord necklace by MyFashion Frenzy

the only person who said i was beautiful using that shirt was Martha..big hug and kiss for you :* :* :*
ya.. although getting so many 'nice' comments from my friend.. I don't want to throw this cloth away.. hahha =D

all photos taken by Martha Sweet (relative of Henry Sweet =P) Tengkiieess honey =*


  1. it's great..
    but, actually, I think u forgot to put MY NAME as someone who take that SWEET picture. thank you
    #gue gak mau moto' lo lagi
    *buang handphone

  2. asiiiik....
    ada nama gue...
    #beli handphone baru



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